- How to know what to look for in a good plastic card
- What to look for in a good plastic card manufacturer
- Understanding the difference in all of these different kinds of cards
- Why you should purchase Teslin cards over a PVC cards
- Price vs Performance
- Why you need a loyalty card for your business
- Which kinds of cards are the most envrionmentally friendly
- And on, and on, and on...
There are tons and tons of things to consider when you are looking for a quality card manufacturer. If you've been around the block before, you may be familiar with some of these questions. You may have figured out some of the answers. But I bet you could still learn a few things from an insider. Like me.
If you are new to the card biz, I can teach you all kinds of things that you'll never learn anywhere else. How can I do that? Because I don't sell the cards. I'm an independent source of good information for everyone out there looking for information.
Loyalty Cards
The loyalty card market is booming. No matter what the economy is doing, all companies want to reinforce customer loyalty and the loyalty card / membership card is key to doing just that. Starting up a loyalty card program is critical to your continuing success.
Times are tough right now. There are options for folks looking for a cheaper option. Most of the big-time companies all want the "shopper card"... essentially a unit consisting of a card (the technical name is CR-80) and two keytags. If you can't afford this option, you can get just the CR-80, or just the keytags, or just one keytag, or any combination of items you want.
Oddly enough, the most important part of the loyalty card program has very little to do with the card itself. We'll get more into that in another post. We can't cover every aspect at once.
For now, just realize that you've found the best, HONEST source of information about the card market. I'll work to answer any questions you may have. I'll also work to provide a valuable source of information about printing plastic cards that you'll come to over and over again.
That's all for now.
Card Guru